Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Enhance Persuasion

Never need to convince your child to do the laundry? Never need to beg your boss for a raise? Then you do not need to read Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive.

The rest of us mortals will read raptly, from Why should restaurants ditch their baskets of mints? through Who is the better persuader? Devil's advocate or true dissenter? to How can you package your message to ensure it keeps going, and going, and going?

Each of the 50 principles is based on psychological studies, and each fascinates.

Even the epilogue is satisfying, with a dramatic description of the results of unprincipled behavior.
(A)lthough the dishonest use of persuasion strategies may occasionally work in the short run...the long-term consequences to one's reputation are dire

See more information about authors Noah J. Goldstein, Steve J. Martin and Robert B. Cialdini at their website. You can also order the book there, and subscribe to their monthly newsletter.

I look forward to your comments on this book.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

$500 Carbon Offset Package for Wiki Site

If you create the millionth wiki site on, you will win a $500 value carbon offset package. If you mention me as your referrer when you sign up, so will I.

I often recommend as a great way for people to learn to create a website. You use their templates to create the site. You can create a very simple site if you use commands similar to composing an email. If you enjoy it as much as I do, you will soon teach yourself to dress it up, adding pictures, sound clips and fancy formatting.

You can't beat the price--it's free. I gained my confidence by creating a website. Every skill I acquired, I have used later in creating other sites. (And I still use the iPod I won in their website design contest.) I have now created three sites. This is my favorite.)

Here is the fine print on the prize:
ABOUT THE THANK-YOU PACKAGES: Wetpaint will offset the approximate annual emissions of the average U.S. home (25,210 lbs. of CO2), the average U.S. vehicle (8,403 lbs. of CO2), and 50,419 lbs.of CO2 of emissions of the organization of choice of the millionth site creator and referrer, if eligible, for a total value of $500 per package. Applying offsets to be provided by Terrapass.

More information

If you want to start a site, but you have questions about how to do it, I will be happy to help you.

Monday, June 23, 2008

What Does Copyright Abuse Say about an Organization?

When I find a potential business opportunity, I check out the organization's website. If I can't find it, that certainly says something.

But if I find their website and they cite press references, I check them. And I look for a "reprinted by permission..." note at the bottom. If I do not find a permission notice, that says something else. If the site violates copyright, they warn me instantly that I do not want to do business with them. If they do not respect the work of the publisher or writer who broadcast the information to begin with, I doubt they will respect mine.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


I neglected to mention that Lloyd caught a starfish. I've lived in New Jersey since 1989 but I have never seen one here before.

No Warden, No Revenue

When did NJ raise the size limit for fluke? Last time we went surf fishing (2006) it was 12", or a one-year-old fluke. We measured the 2 fluke we caught at 12". The game warden at the ramp, on the other hand, said they were undersized and stuck Lloyd with a hefty fine.

Yesterday the handout at the landing said that the new size limit was 18", or over three years old. We were not the only consternated anglers. Lloyd caught two beauties, one about 13" and the other 16", but he threw them back. People on neighboring boats were not so scrupulous, putting plenty of 12"ers into their live wells. Why wasn't the zealous warden fining them?

Attn, Governor Corzine: if you want to increase revenue or protect a commercially important finfish by raising the size limit and then fining people, you have to post a warden at the ramp to inspect their catches.

Fortunately, there are no limits for bluefish. Lloyd caught a 22" beauty and three others. They were delicious on the grill last night. Today I made a bouillabaisse of the sea robins and the dogfish.

With New Jersey's budget cutbacks, we are thankful that the Leonardo State Marina was open at all.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Would You Buy?

“It’s okay to refill your empty water bottle,” said Craig Zucker. Zucker, a New Yorker, is the president of Tap'dNY™, a bottled water company.

“In fact, it’s better than okay. Bottles do not need to be recycled immediately. At Tap'dNY we celebrate New York’s famous and refreshing water. We encourage our customers to refill our bottles at their taps.” His company makes it easier for thirsty New Yorkers to enjoy their own tap water on the go. “Don’t reduce the amount of water you drink, but do reuse your bottles and do eventually recycle them.”

Launched in 2008, Zucker’s company offers New York City municipal water purified by reverse osmosis. The process removes chlorine, fluoride and impurities. Twenty-ounce chilled bottles of Tap’dNY are available at bodegas, grocers and delis when thirst strikes suddenly.

“Use your tap when you can. Enjoy Tap'dNY when you can’t,” said Zucker.
# # #
If you saw Tap'dNY on the shelf next to the Dasani and the Aquafina, would you buy it? Comments, please.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Refer a Friend to Buy a Mercedes

Friend or relative planning to buy a new car? Refer them to Ray Catena Motors for a referral fee of $100-225. More innovatively, I see in the paper that Ray Catena Mercedes is advertising for manicurists for a new nail salon at the dealership. I love the idea of nipping in for a mani-pedi and getting an oil change at the same time.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Writing Blogs vs Books

Darren Rowse has written an interesting post today about the difference between writing a book and a blog. Rowse is the author of Problogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income.

By the time the link above dies I hope I will have learned to use Permalinks.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Webinars: You get what you pay for

Too bad loading my dishwasher was more interesting than this webinar:
Stories, Comics, and Manga - Oh My! Making Learning Stick For Your Audience!
Have you ever wanted to turn basic information into a more effective communication? Join a discussion with Dan Bliton to discover how storytelling strategies can channel and drive your communications and learning activities to increase audience retention and make your message stick. This event explores visual storytelling (comic books, graphic novels, and Manga) and why you should care what stories your new employees are reading (hint ? changing workforce demographics). Perspectives drawn from lessons learned in several markets and Booz Allen Hamilton?s award-winning learning organization. A take-away job aid and web site references summarize the approaches discussed and list additional resources.
A prominent software company presented this program for "free" (it wasn't exactly free since they took all my contact information and will probably be in touch with me for the rest of my life). It doesn't matter who presents the webinar, in my limited experience; they are uniformly bad. Some are worse than others.

Presenters, the webinar you broadcast today will linger for many years. Please, for the sake of attendees investing their time in your message, do at least the following:
  • know your medium inside and out. This particular presentation dramatically lowered the standards for all PowerPoint users when the slides spun out of control. Several times.
  • if you can't join Toastmasters, do as the Toastmasters do. Have an ah-counter listen to your speech (beforehand) and count the number of "ums," "ahs," and "you knows." Then, stop using them.

I would have counted the filler noises myself, but at 53 minutes and 51 seconds, there was no way I was listening to this presentation again.

I wish I could have my hour back so I could spend it working on HTML and CSS instead so I can communicate my own stories more effectively. For the time being, I forswear all webinars.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

No Abstention Votes

Berkeley Heights Council member John Bonacci protested when Mayor David Cohen registered Bonacci's failure to vote as a "no" vote. Independent Press story.

Bonacci claimed that he had cast an "abstention" vote. Cohen cited Berkeley Heights's attorney and Robert's Rules of Order in claiming that there is no such thing.

Today is primary day in New Jersey. To the 90% of New Jersey registered voters who do not flex their political muscle in June primaries: there is no abstention vote.

Find your New Jersey polling place here.