That's why I'm glad to see that my friend Gloria Pierce is organizing a new course of the Individual Development Program. Under the auspices of the Business and Professional Women (BPW) of New Jersey, Gloria taught me personal communication and leadership skills in the ID program 15 years ago. (Frankly, I did not enjoy seeing my skills on videotape. Fortunately, the tape was VHS, so no one will be able to watch it anymore!)
When I read about her new class in the Independent Press I called her to wish her well with this course. She told me that this was a new, revamped ID program. She sent me the details, included below. That convinced me to sign up myself, instead of simply recommending the course to others. Men are welcome, too, Gloria said.
The IDP Leadership program will be March 14 and March 21 from 8:30 to 4. It will be somewhere in the Cranford or Kenilworth area, but the exact location will depend on the size of the class. For BPW members the cost is $50; everyone else pays $75. If you want to sign up, please call Gloria at (973) 375-5445.
The IDP Leadership Program is BPW/USA’s leadership development series. The program will assist people to succeed in meeting their goals for community action and Change.
The modules are:
Module 1: Historical perspective and current opportunities of BPW defining membership opportunities, objective, mission, vision, and legislative platform.
Module 2: Understanding peers and employees behavioral and communication styles – managing for improved performance.
Module 3: Reviewing behavioral styles and learning to recruit the right person for the right program/task.
Module 4: Learn how to create presentations
Module 5: Learn to give oral presentations
Module 6: Networking – A Skill for Life.
Module 7: Interviewing tips and techniques.
Module 8: Negotiating skills for the workplace and beyond.
Module 9: Developing leadership qualities that will help you rise to the top!
Module 10: Using parliamentary process can streamline any meeting and committee.
Module 11: Business etiquette: standing out from the rest by understanding how to be the best!
Module 12: Understand your advocacy role in your business and community.
Module 13: Learn about governing values – what is important to you, how do you see the world, and what do you believe in? Develop your goals.
Module 14: Develop media relationships for your business or organization.
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