Monday, May 24, 2010

Get 'em now before the price goes up

I'm embarrassed to mention this idea because it's so basic, but I'm surprised how many website owners don't do it: put the keywords your potential visitors will be using into domain names. Buy those domain names and link them back to your website.

For example, if you sell material handling systems in New Jersey, buy ""

One of the things the search engines look at is the names of websites. Sites with those names usually have useful information for people looking for those topics. Plus, it helps to have other websites linking back to your website. So people looking for material handling systems are likelier to find your website, just when they're researching, and, I hope, buying.

Compared to keyword ads, buying domain names is remarkably inexpensive, about $10 a year. But prices are poised to rise 7% on July 1, so if you plan to do this, you might want to do it now, especially if you want to buy a lot of domain names.

And if yours is a personal business, buy your name as well, for example, Someone may not remember what you call your business, but they may recall your name. Make it easier for them to find you.

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