Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Is 3M Ashamed of the Post-it Weekly Planner?

You can’t get there from here.

I wish I had the kind of life where I made lists of tasks and delegated them to someone else. I do make the lists. And then I end up delegating the tasks back to myself.

Sometimes when there are too many, the tasks grow hard to prioritize. That’s why this week I went out and bought myself a new Post-It® Weekly Planner.

Instead of either
a) feeling sure that this task was so important that I would remember it—no need to write it down (oops!) or
b) writing it down in my daily planner--and then reproaching myself at the end of the day when it was not done (oops!)
the Post-It Weekly Planner lets me jot down every task on a “Super Sticky” Post-it. Once they’re written out, I can shuffle them around.

The Planner comes with a weekly grid for me to lay out the chores; I put the most urgent or the most important ones first. But if those jobs don’t get done, well, I just move them to the next day on the grid and try again.

The Planner does wonders for my peace of mind. But even after my description, you may be wondering what it looks like. So I thought I would provide you with a link to a description and a picture on 3-M’s website.

I can’t find it, and I’m a good Googler. You try it. Type Post-It Weekly Planner in your search engine. By the end of the second “e,” your auto-complete will fill in the entire name for you. “What’s so hard about this?” you’ll say.

At the top of the search you’ll find 3M’s Specialty Notes page. “It must be here,” you’ll say, “probably near the easel notes or the bulletin boards.”

But it’s not. You can’t get there from here.

3M just does not want you to find their Weekly Planner on their website. You can’t even search for it by part number (46-0001-4108-8).

I’m sure glad I know where to find them offline. Otherwise I might still be saying to myself, "Oh, yeah...I needed one of those Post-it Calendar thingies..."


Jay Rubin said...

Very strange. I found it here, or so I thought.


You can see the Weekly Planner right there in the left column...until you click through.

You're right, they must be ashamed of it. You'd think a company as large as 3M would a) show all of their products on their site and b) wouldn't have an image and link to a product...that isn't really there. Sigh.

Lysistrata said...

My point exactly. It's a wonderful calendar--3M should display it proudly.

Thanks for visiting, Jay.