Monday, May 31, 2010

Two Suggestions for IFF and Schering-Plough

I sniffed the latest Coppertone on the shelves at the drugstore, but came up without the signature jasmine scent. I would have bought it if it had smelled like Coppertone.

Instead I bought another SPF 70 brand.

Down Lloyd and I drove to Sandy Hook, right past the International Flavors & Fragrances (IFF) plant in Hazlet. He refused to put on sunscreen before we launched (too early.) HOURS later when the sun was strong he refused to put on sunscreen because its scent would get on his line and lures and scare away the fish.

So, Schering-Plough, here are my suggestions:
1) let Coppertone smell like Coppertone
2) make a special scent for fisherfolk. I'm sure IFF can help you. Something that smells tasty to fluke. You can call it something manly like "Bait" or "Lure" or just "Men-haden," ha ha. He has to shower and throw his clothes in the washer after a day of fishing anyway. What does it matter what he smells like as long as he wears the sunscreen?

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