Monday, March 7, 2011

Will these pictures get me in trouble?

Please don't bid against me, but yesterday I bid on a lot of photos on eBay.  They're supposed to show a family in Summit, NJ, in the '40s and '50s.  According to the seller, there are a few of the kind I want, that is, photos of kitchens, dining rooms, and of people eating home-prepared food in Summit.

What if I win the bidding?  Can I use the pictures in my church cookbook?  Obviously, I can.  I have a scanner.  But may I?  I'm hoping the seller can either get the subjects' permission or give me permission as a family member.  What if he doesn't know the subjects because he bought a box of snapshots at an estate sale?

Who holds the copyright then?  If you have any helpful thoughts on this, please let me know.  Otherwise I'll do my customary desultory research.  Then I'll probably conclude that I'm running out of time because I need to get the file to the printer and run the pictures anyway, hoping that the subjects or their descendants never notice.

What was I saying about ignorance of the law being no excuse?

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